How much must the sea like us to offer us so many and so succulent gifts! Some of them are essential to enjoy excellent health, such as iodine-rich food. This mineral, needed by our organism, can only be obtained through a mindful and conscientious diet. This is why learning this marine list of iodine-richdelicacies should be the first step towards making the most of its benefits and enjoying a good health.
Iodine, an essential mineral for our bodies
Iodine is one of those nutrients that are essential for our bodies to perform satisfactorily. It is a necessary mineral, and vitally important in the production of thyroid hormones, responsible for regulating our metabolism, among many other purposes.
According to a brochure by the American Thyroid Association, iodine deficiency can be the reason for the appearance of significant symptoms, such as:
- Goiter
- Hyperthyroidism
- Pregnancy-related problems
However, iodine levels should be monitored, so they do not go beyond certain limits, since the excess of this mineral could also cause health problems. The recommended daily dose is micrograms (µg) varies depending on age and sex:
- Adults, 14 years or older: 100-150 µg per day
- Children younger than 13 years old: 90 µg per day
- Pregnant women or during the breastfeeding period: 290 µg per day
We should add that the human body has neither the ability to produce iodine, nor the capacity to store it. This means that the intake of this particular micronutrient must come from our diet.
5 iodine-rich food items that come from the sea
Most food items that are rich in iodine come from the sea. In the top five we can find seafood and algae or seaweed.
Even though for many fresh cod is at heading the race, truth is that seafood is also ranked very high on the list, according to a database report by the USDA, FDA and ODS-NIH for the Iodine Content of Common Foods. Salted cod, however, does have a higher concentration of iodine; but in any case, here are our top 5 iodine-rich seafood items:
1. Marine Algae
There are many plants and seaweed in the sea, which have high levels of iodine, between 150 and 300 µg /100 g. We are talking about kelp, arame, hiziki, wakame and jambu. Some of these varieties, like kelp, contain over four times the daily dose. This is why a moderate intake is recommended, since excessive iodine can be harmful.
2. Small ‘chirla’ clams
This small bivalve mollusk contains up to 160 µg of iodine/100 g. As well as its invaluable nutritional advantages, it is a very popular item due to its good quality/price ratio. ‘Chirla’ clams are a main ingredient in many Spanish stews, rice dishes or soups. They are also ready to become the main character in the sauce garnishing your favorite marine-flavored foods, adding to it valuable minerals in the process.
3. Mussels
We will always choose the mussels reared in Galicia, the only sea product that belongs to a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO or DOP in Spanish). This product contains up to 105 µg of iodine/100 g standing out considerably because of its low content in saturated fats and high levels of Omega 3. As well as iodine, mussels are a source of zinc, potassium, iron, phosphorus and vitamin B1.
4. Shrimp
It is almost impossible to resist the temptation of a shrimp dish with 90 µg of iodine/100 g. Besides the explosion of oceanic-flavor in this crustacean, it has other nutritional values such as its levels of iron and phosphorus, as well as its high content of selenium, copper and vitamins B12 and D.
5. Prawns (Penaeus)
Tied with the shrimp, this crustacean contains 90 µg of iodine/100 g as well, also helping the thyroid gland function properly. Prawns can be made into a delicious starter that can kick-start your meal with a convenient cocktail of vitamins and minerals.
Canned seafood from Palacio de Oriente, a source of iodine
Palacio de Oriente cans these gifts from the sea so that health and palate may enjoy them equally. Here are some of the bites that provide our bodies with the necessary iodine, as well as with an unmistakable flavor:
- Mussels in pickled sauce from the Galician loughs, pack of 3 cans
- Cod in Biscay-style sauce from Palacio de Oriente
- Octopus in olive oil
- Squid chunks in cuttlefish ink sauce
- Cockles in brine
- Marinera-style small scallops with olive oil

Let’s allow the sea to continue giving us these healthy and exquisite gifts, such as seafood and fish. Palacio de Oriente brings the best of the sea to your table: spoil yourself a little with healthy and enjoyable moments!